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About Change The Tracts

Turning Interest into Action

Change The Tracts Inc. is a compassionate non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing community well-being by providing affordable housing solutions and fostering financial independence through education. At our core, everyone deserves a stable, safe place to call home and the knowledge to secure their economic future. Our initiatives are designed to offer shelter and empower families and individuals through a comprehensive approach that addresses both immediate housing needs and the long-term goal of financial literacy. By collaborating with various stakeholders, we construct affordable living spaces and conduct workshops and classes to demystify the complexities of financial and economic literacy.

Our commitment to community engagement sets us apart. Change The Tracts Inc. is more than an organization; we are a platform for voices within the community to share insights, challenges, and successes related to housing, finance, and economics. We amplify these conversations through our website and outreach programs, fostering a supportive network where knowledge and resources are freely exchanged. This open dialogue ensures that our efforts are rooted in the communities' real, evolving needs, allowing us to adapt and expand our impact. Join us in our mission to build houses and a foundation for generational prosperity and economic resilience.

Dog Shelter

Our Team

The Faces of Our Organization

Pattrick Hayes

President of the Board

Daryl Baptist Jr.

Vice-President of the Board

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